Senin, 26 Mei 2014

Percakapan Bisnis Komunikasi

I.                   CONVERSATION

Situation : Yanti and Heri are discussed about a news of geothermal in the cafeteria school.

Heri                 : Hey, Yanti .  Did you watch a news last night?
Yanti               : Hey, Heri! No, I don’t . What some interesting you seen?
Heri                             : I heard about a deal of Geothermal between between PT. Pertamina and PT.      PLN
Yanti               : Oh. Looks like a interesting news, anyway, do you know about geothermal?
Heri                 : It’s energy projects especially for applications such as home heating, opening a potential for widespread exploitation.
Yanti               :What about the benefit from this deal?
Heri                 : I heard the value of a geothermal project investment reached Rp 15 trillion.
Yanti                           : What a fantastic reaches! Well, I think this sale and purchase agreement will   be better if it is always less polluting than electric heating.
Heri                 : Yes. I hope so . It should been recognised in existing planning and environmental laws. And Pertamina Geothermal Energy is also working to develop its business by managing the Joint Operation Contract in some areas.
Yanti               : And about your opinio. What do you consider as the most important thing in running this  business?
Heri                 : Definitely, custody of environments . And the society will see the benefit this projects but not make a damage environments
Yanti               : Do the Pertamina need more workers then?
Heri                             : It possibility they started to employ more workers, enlarge and trim up my  sources, enhance their business strategy until today.
Yanti               : I agree with that. It to make a cooperation in it.
Heri                 : The cooperation have to make cost fluctuations balance too.
Yanti                           : That’s great, Heri. Thank you for sharing. I wish your story can be helpful for me someday.
Heri                             : You’re welcome, Yanti.

Nama : Erlin Eliana
NPM : 12611467
3 SA 01

 Subject :





1. Some manufacture are being liquidated and handed over to foreign ownership gradually.
2. People think common stock riskier than debt or preferred shares.
3. The Company will effort to generate positive operating cash flow throughout the balance of fiscal .
4. She maintains meticulous records of each shareholder's equity investments.
5. Companies’ deficits generate growth and productive employment.
6. There is a request for claim reimbursement.
7. A committee will work out the modalities of using surplus.
8. The export ban has undone the improvements to the current-account deficit.
9. The government try to make a balancing of national exchequer.
 10. Some banks remain watchful over inflationary risks.


1. Beberapa manufaktur sedang dilikuidasi dan diserahkan kepada kepemilikan asing secara bertahap.
2. Orang-orang berpikir saham biasa lebih berisiko daripada utang atau saham preferen.
3. Perusahaan akan
berupaya untuk menghasilkan arus kas operasi yang positif di seluruh fiskal yang seimbang.
4. Dia men
gurus catatan yang teliti dari investasi ekuitas masing-masing pemegang saham.
5. Defisit
 perusahaan 'menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan lapangan kerja yang produktif.
6. Ada permintaan untuk klaim penggantian.
7. Sebuah komite akan bekerja di luar modalitas menggunakan surplus.
8. Larangan ekspor telah dibatalkan perbaikan defisit
rekening berjalan.
9. Pemerintah mencoba membuat keseimbangan
perbendaharaan nasional.
10. Beberapa bank tetap waspada atas risiko inflasi.


Common Stock
Saham prioritas
Equity Investments
Investasi modal
Penggantian uang
Surplus/sisa berlebih pada kas
Neraca pembayaran.
National Exchequer
Kas negara




Attention to :                                          Bojonggede, May 06 , 2014                                                     
Human Resources Departement
PT. Buana Citra Abadi
Jl. Daan Mogot KM.1 No. 45
 Jakarta Barat

Dear Sir/Madam,
            I have read from your advertisement at Kompas newspaper that your company is looking for Employees to hold some position. Based on the advertisement, I am interested to apply application for Sales Representative (SR) position according with my background education. 
            My name is Erlin Eliana, I am twenty-one years old. I have graduated from Vocational High School (SMK) Setia Negara. I consider myself that I have qualifications as you want.
            I have good motivation for progress and growing, eager to learn , and can work with a team (team work) or by myself. Beside that I posses adequate computer skill and have go command in English (oral and written).

I would gladly welcome an opportunity to have an interview with you at your convenience. I hope my skills can be one of your company's assest. I am looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. 

Thank you for your consideration and attention.

                                                                                                                        Sincerely yours,

                                                                                                                             Erlin Eliana

Enclosures :
- Copy of ID Card
- Copy of Final Certificate
- Photo
- Curriculum Vitae
-Copy of TOEFL Test

I.                   Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details

Full Name                   : Erlin Eliana
Sex                              : Female
Place, Date, of birth    : Pontianak, 19 March 1993
Nationality                  : Indonesia
Marital Status             : Single
Height, Weight             :155 cm ,63 kg
Health                         : Perfect
Religion                       : Buddha
Address                       : Perum Bambu Kuning , Blok G2, Bojonggede 16320

Educational Background

1999-2005       : 05 Kalisari Elementary School, Jakarta
2005-2008       : Junior High School 203 , Jakarta
2008-2011       : Vocational High School (SMK) Setia Negara , Depok

Course & Education
2008-2011       : Computer & English Course at ASB

1.      Accounting & Administration Skills (Journal Printing & Calculation ,Ledger,Petty Cash Payroll & Calculation , Inventory  Controls , Project  Data  Updating, Teller , Salary Caldulation).
2.      Computer Literate  (MS.  Word  ,  MS.Excel, MS.  Power  Point,  MS.Access,  MS.Outlock)
3.      Internet Literate

Working Experience
Working at LP3i College, Depok
Period              : March 2010- April 2010
Position           Education staff

Depok, May 06, 2014

Erlin Eliana