Senin, 30 Maret 2015

MATA KULIAH : SOFTSKILL Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer (Kebudayaan)

MATA KULIAH : SOFTSKILL Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer
      Nama : Erlin Eliana (4SA01)
      NPM  : 12611467

"Makanan Khas Jawa Barat"

          Keadaan alam Jawa Barat yang banyak ditumbuhi aneka macam jenis tumbuhan dan banyak dialiri sungai mempengaruhi pada jenis menu khas Jawa Barat. Banyaknya pohon pisang yang tumbuh di tanah Sunda memberi inspirasi kepada wanita Sunda untuk berkarya membuat aneka macam pais (pepes) yang menggunakan daun pisang. Seperti pepes ikan, pepes ayam, pepes tahu, pepes oncom, nasi timbel dan lain-lain.
 Begitu pula dengan banyaknya sungai dan kolam di Tanah Sunda memungkinkan budidaya ikan berkembang baik di wilayah Jawa Barat, terutama ikan mas dan gurame. Sehingga hal ini memberi jalan kepada masyarakat Sunda untuk mahir dalam seni memasak.
Lalu  memungkinkan kerja sama antara para anggota masyarakat untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan alam sekelilingnya.  
           Proses akulturasi juga terjadi pada masyarakat Indonesia melalui berbagai makanan yang merupakan sajian yang biasa ditemukan di Arab Saudi. Proses akulturasi kebudayaan terjadi apabila suatu masyarakat atau kebudayaan dihadapkan pada unsur-unsur budaya asing.
Contohnya adalah martabak, tahu, and siomay.

Translated by myself :

The Characteristic Food of West Java

      The West Java land which is planted by various plant also around at the river, thus it is influenced to variety food menu in West Java.
Banana tree that grow at West Java gives some inspiration for Sundanese Female to making various kinds of pepes which uses banana leaves. Such as Pepes Ikan, Pepes ayam, Pepes tahu, Pepes oncom, Nasi Timbel and others.
As there are many rivers and ponds in Sunda, it is possible to provide fish farming in West Java, such as Gurame fish and Golden fish. So this chance gave a way  to the Sundanese people to be proficient of cooking. Then allow cooperation between the members of the community to adapt to the natural surroundings.

       The acculturation process also occurs in Indonesian society through a variety of food which is usually offered and commonly found in Saudi Arabia. Cultural acculturation process occurs when a local society or culture meet to foreign cultural elements, or from another country. The food or examples are martabak,siomay and tofu.


Natural state of West Java that much overgrown with various kinds of plants and many rivers flowing influence on the types of the typical menu of West Java. Many banana trees that grow in the land of Sunda Sunda inspire women to work making various kinds of pais (spiced) which uses banana leaves. As pepes fish, spiced chicken, spiced tofu, spiced oncom, rice lead and others.

Similarly, with many rivers and ponds in the Sunda allow developing fish farming both in West Java, mainly carp and carp. So this gave way to the Sundanese people to be proficient in the art of cooking. Then allow cooperation between the members of the community to adapt to the natural surroundings.
         Then Acculturation process also occurs in Indonesian society through a variety of offerings that are commonly found in Saudi Arabia. Cultural acculturation process occurs when a society or culture exposed to foreign cultural elements. Examples are martabak,tofu and siomay.

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