Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

TUGAS SOFTSKILL Contoh kalimat Indirect Speech

TUGAS SOFTSKILL Contoh kalimat Indirect Speech

Nama : Erlin Eliana
Kelas : 4SA01
NPM : 12611467
Tugas Mata Kuliah  Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berbantuan Komputer
Judul artikel :
Brooks Newmark : I have been a complete fool, says Conservative ex-minister

Direct :
1.) In his resignation statement, the 56-year-old said: " I would like to appeal for the privacy of my family to be respected at this time.
I remain a loyal supporter of this government as its long-term economic plan continues to deliver for the British people."

Indirect :
He told us that he would like to appeal for the privacy of his family to be respected at this time. He remain a loyal supporter of this government as its long-term economic plan continues to deliver for the British people.

Direct :
2.) Mr. Newark added: "I am so, so sorry. But I just need time with my family".
Indirect : Mr. Newark said that he so sorry. But he just need time with his family.

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